Professional Women and Busy Moms

Here's How We Beat Chronic Gut Issues And Lose 25, 50, Or Even 100 lbs Or More

Without Strict Dieting, Strenuous Workouts, Drugs, Or Surgeries And Me In Your Corner!

Do you want to work with me one-on-one to fix what's wrong with your belly bloat, sugar cravings, IBS, gut, and more so you can get healthy and keep the weight off?

Limited spaces are available! 

Does this sound like YOU?

Have you been SOOOO busy taking care of others but keep falling short when it comes to your own health and well being?
  • You feel like something is off with your health but Doctors keep telling you All LABS are normal.
  • You're exhausted and overwhelmed by all of the different health, diet and weight loss options that promise to deliver long-term results but DON'T.
  • You find yourself giving in to sugar cravings and emotionally driven eating and you keep gaining weight.
  • And are you sick and tired of feeling lousy and just want to lose weight and get healthy? 

Then book a free call to learn more about our proven strategy!

This strategy helped me DO THIS! 

Chris-Walker-Transformation | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

I was able to go from 215 lbs to 165 lbs, losing 50 lbs using the exact strategy I'll share with you on the call! 

And now I’m in the best shape of my life – both inside and out. My blood tests prove it!

And it's not just me! All my female clients have seen a significant amount of weight loss and improved health too!

Maybe you've TRIED...

  • Multiple doctors and practitioners, spending money and time on things that never work to get you completely healthy.
  • Personal training and gyms, spending hours going to the gym with little to NO results or perhaps you’ve even hired a personal trainer but still don’t have the body you want yet.
  • Strict diets like Keto but whenever you come off the diet you gain all the weight back and then some!
  • Weight loss surgeries and drugs like Ozempic that are not safe for your body, practical or a real holistic solution. 

If you're ready to STOP the trial and error then book a free call to learn more about our proven strategy!

You're ALSO probably struggling with...

In fact, If you're like most women that come to see me you're probably struggling in one of the following areas:

Digestion and Elimination

  • Bloating, gas and constipation
  • IBS, GERD and other disorders
  • Diabetes and blood sugar issues

Stress and Hormones

  • PCOS and hormone imbalance
  • Thyroid function and disorders
  • Menopause and Perimenopause

Mindset and Bad Habits

  • Unhealthy habits and sabotage
  • Limiting beliefs and emotions
  • Identity and self-image issues

If this sounds like you right now and you want to finally have a strategy to help you beat chronic gut issues and weight gain so you can feel your best and keep the pounds off without drugs or surgery then book a free call!


We've helped thousands of women!

Nicole C | Case Study | Testimonial | Weight Loss Transformation

So far, I’ve lost 100 lbs & feel so much better, healthier & happier. Developing a love of activity & exercise &, of course, pain & inflammation are gone.

Nicole Chagnon - Nurse
Marilyn Page Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

I am more in tune with myself than I can ever remember being, and would have paid a thousand times what I did as it was worth every penny and more.

Marilyn Page - Practitioner

I’m super happy with the major boost in energy and the fat loss.

Woohoo! We did it, Sheila Brittle!! Honestly, I started all of this because I was having WAY too many sugar cravings, feeling like I need to be constantly eating to keep my energy up, drinking coffee and all the rest. I had hoped starting something like this way of eating was going to help me but… Read more “I’m super happy with the major boost in energy and the fat loss.”

Lindsay-Waugh Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Lindsay W

Jenni P. Lost 17 lbs

It took a lot of determination to stick to my goals throughout the challenge, especially at Christmas. The most important thing for me was to be prepared. I knew there would be lots of tempting treats at holiday parties I attended, therefore I would eat before I went and bring a veggie tray so I… Read more “Jenni P. Lost 17 lbs”

Jenni Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Jenni P

Made Heart Healthy

Thank you, Chris, for your help in making me lose weight because of you, you made my heart healthy and you gave me a gift of happiness, joy of eating, and fitness for life. I am forever grateful to you and your program Thanks

Sophia Results | Weight Loss Coach | Health Coach
Sophia T

Gained Energy, Stopped Cravings and Ended Life Long Chronic Diarrhea!

When Sylvia first came to me she was a mess. She had uncontrollable sugar cravings for chocolate, no energy to get through her busy workdays, weight gain, hot flashes, hemorrhoids, and chronic diarrhea that she has been dealing with her whole life. I developed a health plan for Sylvia and she was the perfect student!… Read more “Gained Energy, Stopped Cravings and Ended Life Long Chronic Diarrhea!”

Sylvia Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Tonya Lost 85 lbs

What was life like before working with us? I snored horribly, had a very defeated attitude towards myself, incontinence, knee and heel pain, lots of anxiety and fears, becoming reclusive. My original symptom survey score (Oct 2018) was 97 and my latest score (May 2019) was 10. Amazing improvements and I’m still working towards my… Read more “Tonya Lost 85 lbs”

Tonya Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Tonya S. Retired

The hypnosis really helped to calm my thinking!

The hypnosis really helped to calm my thinking and took away the real craving feeling to have the junk I was wanting so much, was hoping maybe I could have one more like it at some point again.

Jody G Results | Health Coach | Health Practitioner
Jody G. Health Care

Lost 8 lbs…yeahhhhh!

The challenge was awesome and i’m still following the plan. I realized without the bread and milk I look better and it’s a routine I can actually follow. I love it. Lost 8 lbs…yeahhhhh!

Donna T Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Donna T. Health Coach

No more chronic pain and digestive issues!

What was life like before working with us? A huge amount of inflammation, pain, and weight gain. What was life like after working with us? My pain has reduced significantly, a new way of looking at nutrition and my relationship with food has changed. What has made you the happiest? The control over the inflammation… Read more “No more chronic pain and digestive issues!”

Tammy P Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Tammy P. Business Owner

Down 9.2 pounds!

Down 9.2 pounds since the end of August! 14.4 to go to reach my ULTIMATE goal of 135. Thanks for getting me started Chris, I may come back someday for more hypnosis!

Dawn M Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
- Dawn M, Sales Manager

Walked Away From 20 Yrs of Smoking

Margaret had a lot of stress in her life. She worried constantly and had a need to always be in control. To keep her mind from her worries. She would constantly run around doing things for her kids, husband, and family but left little time for herself. Her only escape was cigarettes. When we showed… Read more “Walked Away From 20 Yrs of Smoking”

No Image Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Margaret F. Business Owner, Cambridge

Improved Digestion and Lost Body Fat!

What was life like before working with us? Before working with Chris, I had digestive issues despite what I thought was a reasonable diet, and was sitting at the same weight for about 10 years, nearly content that this was my “resting” weight and I wouldn’t get below it. I had mid-day fatigue that I… Read more “Improved Digestion and Lost Body Fat!”

Deanna K Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Deanna K. Executive Associate

From The Bottom Of My Heart

Chris, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have truly been an inspiration and learning experience. I have dreaded every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8am, ha ha. A love-hate relationship. You have been such a positive life-changing aspect in our life. A pleasure to work with. You are a… Read more “From The Bottom Of My Heart”

Lori-S Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
- Lori S, Business Owner


Chris is an exceptional trainer. I am 53 and learning I need to start to pay real attention to my body and what it is telling me. Chris’s knowledge of the human body and what it can do and the nutrition it needs especially as a woman and all we go through was a huge… Read more “YOU ROCK!!!!”

Helen Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
Helen V. Entrepreneur

Lindsay C. Lost 10lbs

I wanted something easy and quick (something I thought did not come easily when you are trying to lose weight). On the contrary, it was simple AND easy, and that was made possible by setting my mind to one goal. My major challenge was and is chocolate. I LOVE CHOCOLATE. Anything chocolate. Having a weekly… Read more “Lindsay C. Lost 10lbs”

Lindsay Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Lindsay C

Down 22 lbs in 4 weeks!

” I started the 4 week cleanse with Chris Walker at an all-time high weight for myself of 241lbs. I had not taken very good care of myself physically or paid attention to my eating habits for years. I would usually consider a short walk as my exercise for the week. Fast food had quickly… Read more “Down 22 lbs in 4 weeks!”

Allan Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Allan H

I lost 22 pounds and 9 inches!

During my 13 weeks with Chris Walker as my personal trainer, we did 39 workouts together, I lost 22 pounds and 9 inches of body measurements. I also learned a lot about changing my nutritional and exercise habits. This was a very worthwhile investment in my health and well-being. Thank you very much Chris Walker,… Read more “I lost 22 pounds and 9 inches!”

Helene Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
- Helene T, Real Estate Business Owner

I recommend him to everyone!!!

I love the service I got from Chris! He was amazing and very attentive, great good advice, and was very understanding. I reached my goals and going to continue what I learned. Thanks a lot! I recommend him to everyone!!!

Valentina A. Teacher

No More Sugar Cravings

WOW, I can’t believe how fast these four weeks have flown by. So excited to be back in the gym working out! Back to eating healthy. No more sugar cravings; haven’t had a soda in a month! Feeling great and have much more energy! Thank you both for your encouragement and support!

Anne D Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Anne D. Retired

Theresa V. Loses 12 lbs

I have been training for only 7 weeks now and have already lost 12 lbs, 6% body fat, and several inches…EVERYWHERE! More than anything I enjoy that I have energy again. Instead of sitting on the couch eating chips I now actively enjoy time with my family going for walks or bike rides. I still… Read more “Theresa V. Loses 12 lbs”

Theresa-V Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Theresa V. Supervisor

Totally Amazing!! Down 45 lbs in just 12 Weeks

What was life like after working with us? I had put on 50 pounds in a short time and had tried to lose it, but continued to gain. I was convinced there was a medical issue and even had my doctor run tests which came out perfect. We looked for another solution and found Chris.… Read more “Totally Amazing!! Down 45 lbs in just 12 Weeks”

Kevin Randall | Testimonial | Coach With Chris - Weight Loss
Kevin and Monica R.

“My weight was over 170 lbs before the program”

What was life like before working with us? My weight was over 170 lbs before the program and I’ve tried everything possible I could from working out to drinking apple cider with warm water, with no improvement. The weight put so much pressure on my knees and joints. It was at this point that I… Read more ““My weight was over 170 lbs before the program””

Joyce K - Testimonial | Coach With Chris Weight Loss Coach
Joyce Kwantwi

“Losing weight is just as much of a mental exercise as it is a physical one”

What was life like before working with us? I didn’t know much about how food really affects my body. I would typically eat one to two meals a day. I didn’t know what or how to eat to help lose weight and keep it off. What was life like after working with us? I learned… Read more ““Losing weight is just as much of a mental exercise as it is a physical one””

Natasha Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Natasha H. Nurse

Improved Health!

After an exceptionally challenging month, I am happy to end this month on a higher note. I am feeling better, I’m less tired and a visit to my naturopath yesterday confirmed it – my thyroid is normal, my adrenals are good, and I’m cleared to exercise again. I even dropped 4 pounds! Thanks Chris for… Read more “Improved Health!”

Tia Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

This has been an amazing journey!

This has been an amazing journey! I am so thankful to you Chris for this opportunity! Over the past 30 days I have gained the skills and knowledge to make the right food and exercise choices and am actually enjoying it! It used to be that making healthy choices was daunting, overwhelming and even boring!… Read more “This has been an amazing journey!”

Somer Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

“I would totally recommend Chris”

Chris was wonderful. Always replied to any questions I had. He kept all his commitments. Never rescheduled anything. I would totally recommend Chris to anyone trying to lose weight or improving any digestion/stomach issues.

Anne Tobia Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Anne T. Retired

Leia G. Down 19.5 lbs

Why do you want to enter the challenge? To feel better about myself, raise money for an important cause that has personally affected my family and to have FUN getting into the best shape I have been in! (Second place challenge winner.)

Leia-G_-Before-After | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Leia G. Teacher

The results have been amazing…

The past 4 weeks have been a real eye-opener for me. I’ve learnt a brand new way of eating and keeping active – the perfect program to fit in with my busy lifestyle. The results have been amazing and not just the 9lbs weight loss, I feel so much more positive and confident in myself… Read more “The results have been amazing…”

Melissa Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Paul M. Lost 41 lbs

Paul did the 12 Week Transformation with his Wife Angie. He was dedicated, committed, stuck to his eating plan and pushed himself beyond his comfort zone. He worked really hard to lose 41 lbs! Way to go Paul!

Paul-Before-and-After | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
Paul M


I DID IT!!!!! 30 DAYS OF CLEAN EATING AND EXERCISE!!! I haven’t weighed or measured myself, but it feels amazing…Now I can see my goal a lot clearer…It can be achieved..Ty Chris..I had very high blood pressure and hardly slept..I get a good 7 hours now..More energy..Ok…But I want to tell u the whole story… Read more “I DID IT!!!!! 30 DAYS OF CLEAN EATING!”

Elaine-A Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
- Elaine A, Teacher

He was awesome!!!

Chris trained me in Mexico, we worked out a great plan…he was awesome!!! I’m sad he’s not at my home base to train me!!! I’m a mom of 2 & needed help on over all food & exercise and staying on track… he was amazing & his routine was realistic!!! He didn’t make me feel uncomfortable about… Read more “He was awesome!!!”

Izzy Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist

Nancy Lost 20 lbs!

Thank you, Chris!!! You have helped me improve my overall health. Before going through this 4 Week Cleanse: I ate too much, I ate the wrong types of foods, I had low energy, I felt tired throughout my day, I was not happy with my body.  Things I have learned during this journey: The correct potion… Read more “Nancy Lost 20 lbs!”

Nancy Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Nancy D. Manager

I’ve lost 100 lbs & feel so much better, healthier & happier!

What was life like before working with us? I was obese with overall poor health & inflammation throughout my body. My knees constantly hurt and would swell up if I stood longer than 20 minutes. I had difficulty walking, climbing stairs & would get out of breath easily. I had no energy & trouble sleeping… Read more “I’ve lost 100 lbs & feel so much better, healthier & happier!”

Nicole C | Case Study | Testimonial | Weight Loss Transformation
Nicole C. Nurse

I was able to address so many health issues!

I‘ve had health issues for a long time, almost 10 years: constipation, bloating and PMS and I thought they were incurable, that I will have to live like this for the rest of my life, I tried many medications, went to many health facilities and they were not able to help me, in fact, the… Read more “I was able to address so many health issues!”

Sandra-K Results | Health Coach | Health Practitioner
Sandra K. Healthcare

I came in 1st place for my age group!

I did the run (4 miles) Chris and I came in 1st place for my age group!! My # for my age group was 12 and I don’t know how many others after me. I even beat my niece. By 10 minutes. I was able to do this because of YOU!! You are a great… Read more “I came in 1st place for my age group!”

Anne-1st-Place | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Anne D. Retired

“I was very happy with my results”

I worked with Chris for a year and I was very happy with my results. We looked at my nutrition and what I can do to reduce my asthma issues. We were able to look at my mineral intake that was lacking and some super foods I should have been incorporating. I was able to… Read more ““I was very happy with my results””

Edward C. Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Edward C. Vice President

“would have paid a thousand times what I did”

What was life like before working with us? Debilitating lower back pain, perimenopause symptoms, high levels of stress, and issues sleeping. What was life like after working with us? The ability to slow down and focus on what is important including self-care. I previously had preconceived expectations of myself that were not conducive to a… Read more ““would have paid a thousand times what I did””

Marilyn Page Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Marilyn Page, Learning and Development Practioner

You Changed my Life

I would like to thank you for the advice that u gave me. I had a problem with hormonal imbalance for the past 6 years. I couldn’t conceive. Last year around June, I joined this group and I was advised to use Black maca, etc. As I type now, I’m 9 months pregnant. M due… Read more “You Changed my Life”

Lungisile Shikwambane New Baby | Health Coach | Nutritionist
Lungisile Shikwambane

Help Me Shed 34 lbs!

I decided after years of gaining weight and blaming it on “being in sales” and that “I have not time to workout” that I would consult a trainer to see what my options were. I worked with Chris who taught me the importance of a LIFESTYLE rather than what I have done before, “a calorie… Read more “Help Me Shed 34 lbs!”

Jon H Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Jon H. Sales

Amantina Lost 10 lbs!

I kind of impressed that I lost 10 lbs in a 3 month program with Chris. I learned a lot about nutrition which was the main problem when trying to drop some pounds in the past. Chris was also very patient when I was getting pessimistic about the progress we were making. I’m so glad… Read more “Amantina Lost 10 lbs!”

Amantina Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
- Amantina P, Product Support Manager

I have lost over 36 Lbs

My brother from time. Just from our short phone discussion, a while back. We pinpointed the main issues that I quickly needed to make some adjustments. We coming from where I did growing up. Where I met you and many other great friends. I learned to make the most out of very little. So in… Read more “I have lost over 36 Lbs”

James Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist

“You are truly a knight in shining armour”

What was life like before working with us? I was extremely stressed about my weight, body aches, and anxiety that caused me to go to food for comfort which added to my problems and I was constantly in this vicious cycle. I felt lost, was lacking confidence and motivation. My self-esteem was becoming low and… Read more ““You are truly a knight in shining armour””

Naimah Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Naimah K. Dentist

Sarah P Lost Over 30 lbs

I’d been overweight and unhappy with myself for years. I weighed in at over 200lbs and huffed and puffed my way through the exercises. I’ve enjoyed the pace increase from session to session and the resistance training. Above all, I’ve loved that Chris and his team create an environment where anybody in any shape can feel… Read more “Sarah P Lost Over 30 lbs”

Sarah P Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
- Sarah P, Manager at Apple

Regan Lost 12.5 lbs In 30 Days!

Thank you Chris Walker! I did it!!! I feel great… I have changed my eating habits, my energy level has increased. I go to the grocery store and get the healthy food! My kids are eating better. I count my steps during the day. I have lost 12.5lbs so far and I am determined to keep… Read more “Regan Lost 12.5 lbs In 30 Days!”

Regan R | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
- Regan R, Stay at Home Mom

My tummy has definitely shrunk…

Hi Chris, Thank you so much, for being such a wonderful human being. I have lost 12 pounds within 29 days I am super excited. I am now one size body is definitely tighter and more defined. My tummy has definitely shrunk as well ..I have a way to go, this has become a… Read more “My tummy has definitely shrunk…”

Angela Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Angella G. Customer Service

Improved Thyroid And Overall Health

Jo tried everything in the past and had not been able to lose weight. She had thyroid issues, was on multiple medications, had trouble sleeping, feeling tired all the time. Didn’t like her body and just felt she had overall poor health and needed help. I began working with her and completely changed her diet… Read more “Improved Thyroid And Overall Health”

Jo S Results | Weight Loss Coach | Health Coach
Jo S. Retired

Improved Stomach Aches and Digestion Issues

What was life like before working with us? Before working with you I had constant stomach aches and struggled to attend school regularly. What was life like after working with us? After working with you I no longer suffer from stomach issues and I am able to attend school regularly. What has made you the… Read more “Improved Stomach Aches and Digestion Issues”

Joshua Page Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Joshua P.

“Have really helped me a lot to change my food habits”

I’ve worked with Coach Chris for over 4 Months and I highly recommend him for his professional experience expertise in a very highly qualified person that have really helped me a lot to change my food Habits to a better and healthier way that improved my lifestyle and feel so comfortable now than I was… Read more ““Have really helped me a lot to change my food habits””

Mohamad Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Mohamad H. Sales

“I was able to fight off every infection that tried to come my way”

” I reached out to Chris Walker asking him for help in improving my overall IMMUNITY after I had 2 back to back viral infections both lasting 2 weeks each, and many more prior incidents (constantly getting sick at least once every single month for 1 wk or longer … for many years) !!! Over… Read more ““I was able to fight off every infection that tried to come my way””

Shanu D Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Shanu D. Student

Katie O. Lost 23 lbs

What were your biggest challenges? What did you do to overcome them and stay on track? The very first workout I could hardly walk afterward. We were given the “clean eating” food groups…and that’s where Challenge #1 came in. How in the world was I going to change my eating so drastically, and was my… Read more “Katie O. Lost 23 lbs”

Katie-O-Before-and-After | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Katie O. Bank Manager

I’m a much happier person all the way around!

I felt uncomfortable with who I was. I held a lot of weight on my shoulders and didn’t let my feelings out. I didn’t take time for myself, I felt gross and unattractive. I also didn’t have a lot of energy and was lazy. I knew what I wanted but didn’t take the time to… Read more “I’m a much happier person all the way around!”

Karen-M Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
- Karen M, Cook

I’ve got some abs poking through!

Weeewwww Lindsay Waugh! That first day was rough… but we are so much further ahead!! I’m also down 6 lbs and feeling much more trim… I’m proud of my arms instead of self conscious… and I’ve got some abs poking through! Woot woot! Energy is awesome, even on gym days, and I’m eating 3 healthy… Read more “I’ve got some abs poking through!”

Sheila Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Sheila B

Cheryl Quit Smoking After 40 Yrs

What was life like before working with us? I was a daily smoker and had challenges coping with stress. I felt unhealthy. What was life like after working with us? Doing this program has helped me quit smoking and handle daily struggles of anxiety by learning new relaxing techniques which have helped me immensely. I feel… Read more “Cheryl Quit Smoking After 40 Yrs”

Cheryl R Results | Health Coach | Health Practitioner
Cheryl R. Retired, Kitchener

Crushed sugar cravings! More energy! Down 8 lbs!

What was life like before working with us? After years of working behind a desk, I confused mental exhaustion as physical. I stopped working out, I ate what was convenient and I was a sugar and car addict, like if you could take a candy bar and wrap it up in carbs, I would be all… Read more “Crushed sugar cravings! More energy! Down 8 lbs!”

Tricia K Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Tricia K. Financial Advisor

Heather Lost 17 lbs

Why do you want to enter the contest? I wanted to look my best, be motivated over the holidays and support the Heart & Stroke. (Challenge 3rd place winner)

Heather-S-Before-After | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Heather S

Katie Lost 41 lbs

I told Katie I was going to put her before and after pictures on my website. She wanted to lose some weight after her pregnancy and decided to get some help from me to change her body. Katie put in a lot of hard work, which was unusual for someone who didn’t like exercise. Katie… Read more “Katie Lost 41 lbs”

Katie S Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
Katie S.

I learned a lot about nutrition

Chris was a great motivator.  My strength improved dramatically, and even some of my chronic soreness (computer-related shoulder, stiff hip) resolved.  I learned a lot about nutrition. Hester Gronevelt, Consultant, Guelph

Hester Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
Hester G. Scientist

Breast Cancer & Brain Tumor Survivor

Mary is a champ after her battle with breast cancer and a brain tumor she wanted to improve her health and regain her mobility. She decided to get some help. In 3 months Mary increased her strength and was able to stand from a sitting position with no hands and without any assistance. She is… Read more “Breast Cancer & Brain Tumor Survivor”

Mary Results | Health Coach | Weight Loss Coach
Mary, Retired

Linda Lost 17 lbs

Sincere thanks for guiding me through an amazing transformation! When we first met, I’d gained 40 lbs due to the onset of menopause and because I’d ended a 32-year smoking habit. I’d never exercised a day in my life. No one said it would be easy, but to date, I’ve trimmed off 17 lbs and… Read more “Linda Lost 17 lbs”

No Image Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist
- Linda W, Retired

Lauren M. Lost 17lbs

The real lifestyle change happened when I joined Chris! Never have I pushed myself so far, and been so proud of what I could accomplish. Logging my daily meals really helped me to see where I had been going off course a bit, and so that was a big eye-opener. I met a couple of… Read more “Lauren M. Lost 17lbs”

Lauren Results | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
Lauren M

And received multiple good ratings!

3 Best Weight Loss Centers | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
Three Best Rated | Coach With Chris | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
Three Best Rated 2023 | Coach With Chris | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

What if there was a BETTER way...

What if there was a better way to improve your health, diet and fitness naturally, and see changes month after month.

So you can achieve your ideal health and weight!

And finally, have the body you want so you can become more confident and feel comfortable in your own skin.

And maybe do the things you’ve been too intimidated to do like travel, wear a bikini, start dating and improve your relationship intimacy.

Just imagine all you can do with your new healthy body and confidence! 

Love Getting Emails Like This-testimonials | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

If any of this resonates, you’re in the right place. We specialize in helping professional women and busy moms just like YOU who want an easy, affordable, and sustainable way to transform their health and bodies naturally and see real progress, month after month, without the guesswork.

It’s time to break free from the cycle of disappointment! Book a free call to learn more about our proven strategy!

Do you want RESULTS like these?

Tonya Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Tonya lost 85 lbs and improved mindset!

Losing 85 lbs in one year has been the most noticeable difference, but my mindset has been the greatest improvement in my health journey. PLUS I have not given up like I did on all the other “weight loss programs” that I tried.

Tonya Scarbo - Retired
Regan R | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Regan changed her eating habits!

Thank you, Chris Walker! I did it!!! I feel great… I have changed my eating habits, my energy level has increased. My kids are eating better. I have lost 12.5 lbs so far and I am determined to keep going thanks to you!

Regan R. - Mom

Do you want RESULTS like these?

Sandra K Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Sandra improved her health and digestion!

I don't bloat anymore, my stomach looks normal... I no longer have PMS, I am having a bowel movement every day and I don’t bloat anymore, my stomach looks normal, I‘ve also learned how to balance my hormone and clean my liver which is important if one wants to lose weight

Sandra K. - Health Care
Nancy Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Nancy balanced her  hormones naturally!

I used to have heavy bleeding, headaches, and cramping. By changing what I eat I now have a normal menstruation cycle. This has been a wonderful experience. My overall health has improved.

Nancy D. - Executive Director

What if you can GET RESULTS like these in just 30 days?

Love cooking now and lost 22 lbs in 30 days!

Allan -Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Improved overall health and less tired!

Tia-Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Feeling more positive, confident and down 9 lbs!

Melissa-Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Loving her new attitude about health and fitness!

Somer-Testimonial | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Improved health and down 20 lbs!

Shareena Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Or TRANSFORMATIONS like these...

Katie's 41 lb Transformation!

Katie-before-and-after | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Deniece's 37 lb Transformation!

Denise-Wilmot-Before-After | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Donna's 24 lb Transformation!

Donna's Before and After | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Katie's 23 lb Transformation!

Katie-O-Before-and-After | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Why am I so confident in this strategy?

Hey, I'm Chris Walker! I’ve been a Functional Nutritionist, Health, and Weight Loss Coach for over 15 years, and I’m known as a gut health and weight loss expert. I help professional women and busy moms beat chronic gut issues and weight gain, so they can feel their best and keep the pounds off without drugs or surgery.

By the age of 21, I lost both parents to disease, my dad to a stroke by the age of 14 and my mom to diabetes and colon cancer by the time I was 21. This motivated me to not only take care of my own health but also help others as well. Thankfully, I discovered and perfected a simple 3 step strategy to help women transform their health and bodies naturally.

With my signature Get Healthy and Keep The Weight Off Strategy, I use cutting-edge functional lab tests to quickly pinpoint the root causes of gut issues and weight gain. I work closely with each client to develop a personalized roadmap based on their lab results, helping them restore optimal gut health and achieve their ideal weight naturally.

And after personally working with thousands of women I've successfully helped them end their struggle with weight gain, bad habits, hormonal, digestion, and emotional problems that were quite often hidden in the body. This simple strategy has helped so many of my clients improve their health, reverse disease, get off medication and lose 50- 100 lbs or more and I can do the same for YOU. Book a free call so I can show you how it works!

Check out our 5 Star Google REVIEWS!

Catherine Hayward Google Review | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Chris is an amazing Coach, with extensive knowledge and SOLUTIONS! I recommend him to anyone who is looking for an extremely caring, very qualified, and personalized Coach to work with. He is the BEST! No "cookie-cutter" solutions, he really works with you and your needs. I am so glad to have found him to help me with my health and weight concerns!

Catherine Hayward

Valentina A Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

I love the service I got from Chris! He was amazing and very attentive, great good advice, and was very understanding. I reached my goals and going to continue what I learned. Thanks a lot! I recommend him to everyone!!!

Valentina Argaez

Edward C. Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

I worked with Chris for a year and I was very happy with my results. We looked at my nutrition and what I can do to reduce my asthma issues. We were able to look at my mineral intake that was lacking and some super foods I should have been incorporating. I was able to have a good year with my asthma and my health also improved. I am now able to carry on with the knowledge I have to keep continuing with my journey.

Edward Ceaser

Debbie Little Google Review | Nutritionist and Weight Loss Coach

Chris has always been there for me with new and exciting news and methods so that I can continue on my wellness journey. He is always professional and very friendly and I love his posts. I am so fortunate to have met him and look forward to a long healthy relationship with him.

Debbie Little

Sonjali Google Review | Nutritionist and Weight Loss Coach

Great communicator and very knowledgeable in so many areas. Would highly recommend for your fitness journey. Even his emails have helpful tips and recipes. Genuinely cares about his clients reaching their goals.

Sonjali Di Guida

Cricket S  Google Review | Nutritionist and Weight Loss Coach

I have worked with Chris off and on now for 12 years. He’s an amazing coach that is constantly upgrading his knowledge to give his clients the best advice and care. He doesn’t try to appease you by telling you what you want to hear though so if you’re not willing to hear the truth, you’d be better off going to someone else and achieving fewer goals. He will push you hard but never beyond what you’re unknowingly capable of and you’ll be a healthier, happier, peaceful you, feeling proud of your accomplishments.

Cricket S

Anne Tobia Results | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

Chris was wonderful. Always replied to any questions I had. He kept all his commitments. Never rescheduled anything. I would totally recommend Chris to anyone trying to lose weight or improve any digestion/stomach issues.

Anne Tobia

Mohamad Google Review | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

I've worked with Coach Chris for over 4 Months and I highly recommend him for his professional experience and expertise as a very highly qualified person that has really helped me a lot to change my food Habits to a better and healthier way that improved my lifestyle and feel so comfortable now than I was before..I will again work with him if needed or required. I also lost 13 pounds in 4 months. Thank you so much Chris for you're consistent follow-ups.

Mohamad Elbaker Hammoud

Shanu D Google Review | Weight Loss Coach and Nutritionist

The few months I was with Chris, I was able to fight off every infection that tried to come my way within a day or simply avoid any altogether. He has immense knowledge & background in nutrition, personal life experiences, mindful thinking, & fitness training. Together when combined = a chance at improving your overall health. When you are ready to finally make changes in your life, I would highly recommend Chris. Remember you also have to do your part … the teacher can only teach, the student must implement it. All the best on your health journey ❤️

Shanu Doss


Chris Walker

I can’t wait to talk to you! I'm going to help you transform not just your body but also your life.

I'm going to give you a personalized roadmap to give you the body and health you've always wanted. Book a free call to learn more about our proven strategy! 


Does your program work for IBS?

Yes, my program is designed to address IBS by identifying and targeting the root causes, such as gut imbalances, food sensitivities, and stressors, using functional lab testing and personalized nutrition.

Can you help with SIBO?

Absolutely! I use specific functional lab tests to identify SIBO and tailor a comprehensive plan to rebalance your gut, which can include diet adjustments, targeted supplements, and lifestyle changes.

Can you balance hormones naturally?

Yes, while some may view surgery and medication as the only way to balance your hormones there are many ways to balance your hormones naturally that we can assist you with.

Do I have to count calories?

No, contrary to popular belief weight loss is not just a game of calories in and calories out. We have helped many women to get healthy and lose weight naturally with our programs and the same can happen for you.

Why are you different?

Professionally speaking most weight loss approaches are incorrect and are hard to sustain causing further stress on the body. Approaches that embark on strict diets, a dependency on powders, poor supplements, and the wrong exercise selection are doomed to fail. In addition, if the mind and body connection are not addressed and you don’t pay any attention to your health challenges your weight will return. Our health and weight loss coaching program takes all of this into consideration ensuring you get results every time.

Does this work for diabetics?

Yes, we work with you to help you balance your blood sugars naturally. So not only will you lose your unwanted weight; but our clients also end up reversing their diabetic type 2 condition.

Will this work on Adult Acne?

Yes, adult acne is often linked to gut health and hormonal imbalances. By addressing these underlying issues through functional nutrition and lifestyle changes, many clients see significant improvements in their skin.

I have gas and bloating, can you help?

Definitely! Gas and bloating are often signs of digestive dysfunction. I use lab testing to pinpoint the causes and create a personalized plan to restore healthy digestion and alleviate symptoms.

Are you a registered nutritionist?

Yes, Chris Walker is a Holistic Nutritionist and NNCP registered with the CANNP. Registration #NN1241

While the marketplace may seem complex and confusing to the public, Holistic Nutritionists and Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioners are not required to be registered with the government of Canada however we do belong to a professional association such as the Canadian Association of Natural Nutrition Professionals.

A Holistic Nutritionist/Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner is a health professional who assesses health and vitality in the natural context of a client’s whole life experience, including their physical, emotional, social, and environmental circumstances, and who uses nutritional choices, supplements, education, and lifestyle modifications in a non-invasive way to empower clients towards self-healing, increased health, and maximized vitality.

A holistic/natural nutritional practitioner studies for 2-4 years at a credited facility taking courses that include but are not limited to; Human Anatomy and Physiology, Organic Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Nutritional Symptomatology, Preventative Health care, Herbal Medicine, Environmental Nutrition, Fitness and Sports, Advanced Research, Holistic Nutrition, Macro and Micronutrients, Psychology of Diseases, Pathology. Click here to learn more about the differences between nutritionists vs dieticians.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, currently Manulife, iA Financial Group, GreenShield Canada, ClaimSecure Inc., and Blue Cross Alberta have done their due diligence and have chosen to recognize the services of Nutritionists (NNCPs, Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioners with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutrition Professionals)

As well, Sunlife now offers some employers a Personal Spending Account within which Nutrition Counseling is covered.

Please note that we do not bill your insurance company directly we can provide you with a statement that you may submit to your insurance carrier for reimbursement. It would be up to you to collect on that.

Can you help me get off medication?

Yes, we can! Your personal coach can work with you and your doctor and by implementing your custom program we can eliminate your symptoms and restore your health rendering most medications unnecessary. About half of women with PCOS are overweight or obese, and 50–70% of them are insulin resistant.

How do we work together?

You will work with your personal coach online, you can access your modules, training videos, community, chat group, and scheduled 1-1 or group Nutrition and Health coaching calls to reach your goals.