How to Lose Weight and Belly Fat with Probiotics | Weight Loss Coach

Probiotics are live microorganisms that have health benefits when eaten. They are found in both supplements and fermented foods. Probiotics may improve digestive health, heart health and immune function, to name a few but what's really exciting is their ability to help you lose weight and belly fat.

Probiotics Affect Changes in Weight

Probiotics have been shown to aid with weight loss in various ways. Recent research shows that certain probiotics may inhibit the absorption of dietary fat, increasing the amount of fat excreted with feces. In other words, they make you "harvest" fewer calories from the foods in your diet.

Probiotics also encourage the release of the hormone GLP-1 that reduces the appetite. Increased levels of this hormone may help you to burn more calories and fat. Probiotics also increase levels of the protein ANGPTL4 which may lead to decreased fat storage.

Furthermore, there is also a lot of evidence that obesity is linked to inflammation in the brain. Hence, by improving gut health, probiotics may reduce systemic inflammation and protect against obesity and other diseases.

Studies have found that certain strains of the Lactobacillus family can help you lose weight and belly fat. Some strains of the Lactobacillus family have been shown to reduce weight and belly fat especially fat around organs, BMI, waist size and hip circumference. Lactobacillus gasseri appears to be the most effective.

Probiotics May Prevent Weight Gain | Weight Loss Coach

Some Probiotics May Prevent Weight Gain

Losing weight is not the only way to fight obesity. What if just by consuming more probiotics in your diet you were able to prevent weight gain in the first place!

Certain probiotic strains may be able to prevent weight gain on a high-calorie diet. Although the research is very new it's well worth the extra effort to include more probiotics in your diet if you're serious about keeping those pounds away. Not all studies have found that probiotics help with weight loss. The effects depend on the probiotic strain, and may also vary between individuals.

Probiotics provide health benefits | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist

Probiotics offer a wide range of health benefits.

Apart from losing weight eating a diet rich in probiotics still offers many benefits for the health seeker.

When combined with a healthy, real food-based diet you can look forward to such benefits as: 

  • improved digestive health
  • improved immune system
  • reduced inflammation 
  • improved cardiovascular risk factors and even a
  • reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms
  • reduction in allergie symptoms
Kimchi Probiotics | Weight Loss Nutritionist | Weight Loss Coach

Tips to Nurture your Gut with Probiotics and Lose belly Fat

  1. Take a high-quality daily probiotic formula to treat your gut to billions of beneficial bacteria that can work to support your metabolism at its very core.

  2. Load up on fermented foods for a powerful probiotic feast. Kombucha, sauerkraut, and kimchi are all great sources of friendly flora.

  3. Feed the probiotics in your gut with prebiotics, indigestible fibers that are your belly bugs favorite food source. Indulge in honey, oats, bananas, asparagus, and onions and add in a daily prebiotic powder supplement for maximum support.

  4. Avoid antibiotics when possible, both as medicine and in the food supply.

  5. Steer clear of antibacterial cleaners and chemicals, which also kill the good bacteria. Look for natural cleaners like gentle soap, water, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar.

  6. Limit your exposure to environmental toxins. Not only do these harm your beneficial microbes, but they can also disrupt your hormonal balance, which is critical for staying at a healthy weight.


The good news is that adding in probiotics to your health regimen is a simple way to support proper microbial balance in your digestive tract, which can help you to lose your unwanted weight and maintain a healthy weight and a flat tummy. You can do it!

Chris Walker | Weight Loss Coach | Weight Loss Nutritionist
About the Author

Hey, I'm Chris Walker! I’ve been a Functional Nutritionist, Health and Weight Loss Coach for over 15 years. I help professional women and busy moms naturally rebuild their health and bodies using a proven functional lab strategy. With this approach, we can quickly identify healing opportunities within the hormones, gut, immune system, and more that create dysfunction and imbalances in your body. Together we can restore your ideal weight and health naturally. You can click here to learn more about my proven strategy.

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Professional Women and Busy Moms Here's How We Beat Chronic Gut Issues And Lose 25, 50, Or Even 100 lbs Or More 100% Naturally!